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Content Marketing Best Practices for Engaging Private Equity Investors

Mans hand creating stacks of coins to show growth for how marketing can differentiate your private equity firm.

Content marketing for private equity entails sharing many different types of informative material to source more deals and attract new investors. Whether visual, written or auditory in nature, there is a variety of content that private equity firms may publish as part of their marketing strategies. Examples include pitch decks, blogs, podcasts, video, infographics, webinars, case studies, whitepapers, industry reports, social media, testimonials and much more.


Private equity content marketing best practices may shift depending on what industries you serve, the type of investors you seek, and which channels and technology are popular among your audience. In recent years, private equity investing has become increasingly democratized due to a higher number of individual investors entering the arena, regulatory changes and growing demand for a more inclusive investment landscape.


Registered investment advisers, for example, are becoming a key source for potential private equity investments, as the sector represents more than $3.7 trillion in acquirable assets. With increased access to a diverse pool of investors who have not historically had access to private capital, private equity firms have more opportunity than ever before to actively engage limited partners and prospective investors with content marketing.


Consider these private equity content marketing best practices for engaging potential investors and attracting them to partner with your firm:


1. Accountability is Everything

Publishing at random or “when you have the time” is a surefire way for your firm to remain unmemorable in the eyes of investors. As a private equity marketer, it’s important to prioritize content creation with these four accountability tips:

  • Establish a well-structured, forward-thinking content calendar that depicts deadlines, roles and responsibilities to drive content projects toward completion.

  • Plan your content strategy using both a one-year and three-month calendar. This allows you to factor in content projects that are more time-consuming to complete, while still having the short-term flexibility to publish content that capitalizes on key industry trends, shares your team’s immediate experiences, and drives your business goals forward.

  • Variation in content is equally crucial to maintain audience engagement. Incorporate a mix of content formats—such as blog posts, video, social posts, whitepapers, webinars and case studies—to cater to diverse preferences within your investor audience.

  • Establish a realistic process to hold your firm’s marketing team accountable for content creation. If you find that you’re regularly missing deadlines you had set in your content calendar, consider outsourcing the work so your team can focus on the firm’s overall brand rather than the day-to-day execution of the content marketing strategy.


2. Create Top-Notch Content for Your AGM


Your firm’s annual general meeting (AGM) is one of the most important touchpoints available to you for engaging both existing and potential investors. It’s a valuable opportunity to effectively communicate your achievements, strategies and future plans to those investors. Here are some tips to help you create engaging content for your next AGM:


Annual Report:


  • Make your annual report available to investors in both a digital and physical format.

  • Be sure to present the financials in an easy-to-understand way by leveraging visuals, such as charts and graphs, to illustrate performance trends.

  • Provide a comprehensive overview of your current investment portfolio and showcase case studies of successful investments. Discuss any portfolio adjustments or divestitures, as well as the rationale behind them.


Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) Report:


  • Transform your ESG data into a report with visually engaging charts, infographics or comparisons. This will facilitate a clearer understanding of your efforts’ impact, making the information more accessible and comprehensible for your investors.

  • Discuss specific initiatives and their impact on both financial performance and social responsibility.

  • Emphasize transparency in communication. Address any concerns or questions that investors may have.


AGM Presentations:


  • Invest in professional design for your presentation slides. A visually appealing and well-organized presentation enhances your brand image. Multimedia elements like videos, animations and interactive slides can also improve engagement.

  • Make the meeting more dynamic by encouraging audience participation with interactive elements, such as Q&A sessions or polls.

  • Ensure the presentation is accessible to both in-person and virtual attendees. The format should promote open dialogue and allow all attendees to submit questions.


Post-AGM Follow-Up:


  • In the weeks following your AGM, share an email recap with attendees that summarizes the key takeaways, provides downloadable versions of the presentation slides or annual/ESG reports, and directs investors to additional resources.

  • Collect investor feedback by sending out surveys that allow attendees to share what they liked about the meeting and changes they’d like to see in the future. This is a good way to measure the effectiveness and impact of the meeting. Be sure to also connect one-on-one with anyone whose feedback requires further attention.

  • Share photos or videos of the event on your social media channels, and encourage those who missed it to review the meeting recap.


3. Don’t Be Just Another Voice in the Private Equity Echo Chamber

Differentiating your firm’s content is absolutely crucial to capturing the attention and interest of potential investors in the crowded private equity landscape. Steer clear of generic content creation by adopting a more personalized and insightful approach that highlights your firm’s unique value proposition.


For example, you can create content that articulates how your firm’s approach generates better returns for investors, serves a particular niche, or has a successful track record of implementing sustainable and ethical business practices to help your portfolio companies improve their ESG metrics.


Avoid publishing content on well-worn topics with generic tips that provide little value. Instead of adopting safe and non-controversial stances that simply echo industry consensus, your firm should contribute fresh insights that genuinely add something new to the discussion. Keep your audience engaged with original content that shares how your firm’s executives overcame a specific business challenge, successfully exited a portfolio company, or formed their investment philosophy.


By going beyond the basics and adding a personal touch, the content becomes more valuable, capturing your audience's attention and standing out from the standard industry fare. Potential investors are more likely to recognize the specific value they stand to gain by partnering with your firm if your content clearly communicates what sets you apart from your competitors.


4. Social Media is for Networking, Not Selling


Sure, sharing your most recent blog or exit announcement technically checks the box of having a social media presence. But a truly effective private equity content marketing strategy transcends sharing generic news on your company profile. A targeted effort to listen to and engage with your followers can help you reach more private equity investors and build meaningful relationships with them.


Schedule time in your content calendar for active listening on social media. For at least one hour per week, scroll through your LinkedIn, read investor posts to understand what’s top-of-mind for them, and touch base by commenting on a post or sending them a private message. The point isn’t to be a self-promoter, but instead to establish rapport through attentive listening. By actively engaging in conversations, you can glean valuable insights into investment trends, investor priorities and who may be open to new opportunities.


To grow your network of potential investors on LinkedIn, research people who are involved with relevant organizations, search by job title, or follow discussions about private equity investing. Keep in mind that the right investor might not fit the expected profile. As private equity becomes increasingly democratized, it is opening the door to a more diverse group of investors from a wide variety of professional backgrounds.


In order to engage investors successfully, prioritize accountability in content creation, create impactful AGM content, differentiate your voice, and leverage social media for networking rather than direct selling. These content marketing tactics help build meaningful relationships with potential investors, which can turn them into loyal, long-term supporters. By adopting a personalized, insightful and original approach to content creation, your private equity firm can effectively communicate its unique value proposition and stand out in a competitive landscape.

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